Number of victims

Treblinka II - Number of victims

After the end of the war, the process of determining the number of victims that died in Treblinka began.

In his book The Hell of Treblinka published in 1945, Vasily Grossman gave the number of 3 million. He estimated it by counting the capacity of gas chambers and the duration of the camp’s operation.

The research undertaken as early as 1945-1946 by the Main Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Poland made the scale of human losses more realistic. Zdzisław Łukaszkiewicz, who conducted the first scientific research, the author of the book The Extermination Camp Treblinka described Treblinka’s losses as 780,000; according to his calculations there were 156 transports of 5,000 people each.

In Kurt Franz’s trial in Düsseldorf in 1965, the Court set the losses at 700,000.

In the second trial in 1970 against Franz Stangl, historian Dr Wolfgang Scheffer from Berlin, an expert, calculated the losses at 900,000.

Other historians dealing with this problem report between 700,000 and 900,000 fatalities. The French historian J. Billig described it as 700,000. Helmut Kransnik and Albert Rückerl assumed it as the minimum number. Raul Hilberg provides 750,000, Martin Gilbert – 850,000, Ytzak Arad – 850,000, Czesław Madajczyk 700,000-800,000, Manfred Burba – 912,000. Only Ryszard Czarkowski differs in number from those presented here, because he gives the number of 1,582,000.

However, we know for sure that 713,555 people were murdered in the camp by the end of 1942.

The information board in front of the entrance to the camp states that 800,000 people died at Treblinka. This number should be taken as a basis.