Dear Guests,

In relation to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Poland, the obligation to wear face masks in closed rooms, was lifted on March 28, 2022, with the exception of pharmacies and medical facilities. Wearing protective face masks will not be required in the Treblinka Museum building.


The museum fee is PLN 7 per person. There are no fees on Monday.

We would like to remind that visitors are not allowed to bring dogs to the grounds of Treblinka Museum. The prohibition does not apply to guide dogs.

Opening hours

The Museum is open every day in the following hours: 9:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
The Museum is closed on 1 January, Easter and Christmas

Map of the Museum


The visitors can sightsee the Treblinka Museum. The Nazi German Extermination and Forced Labour Camp (1941-1944) individually or with a guide.

Contact details for people ordering a tour of the Treblinka Museum:

in English:
phone number: + 48 25 781 16 58

In order to get to know the place, which became a symbol of German-Nazi crimes against Jews, Poles and Romani people, it is necessary to visit both camps: Treblinka II – Extermination Camp and Treblinka I – Penal Labour Camp. The duration of a visit is determined by the individual interests and needs of the visitors. A fee is charged for guide services. The cost of the guided tour for a group  in English language is 80 PLN per each started hour. Visits to the Museum by children under the age of 14 are not recommended. If you would like to use the guide service, please contact us in advance, by phone or by email. The request should provide:

  • name, address and phone number of the ordering party;
  • the number of people with age group designation;
  • date and time of the planned visit;

The guide should be booked 14 days before the planned visit. Resignation from the guide service should be reported no later than 7 days before the planned visit. Change of the date of the visit should be agreed not later than 7 days before the agreed date.

The guide service is available from Monday to Friday.

Approximate, minimum time needed for the visit:

  • 1 hour: visiting with a guide the exposition in the Museum building.
  • 2 hours: visiting with a guide the exposition in the Museum building and visiting the grounds of the former Treblinka II extermination camp.
  • 3 hours: visiting with a guide the exposition in the Museum building and visiting the grounds of the former Treblinka II extermination camp and the Treblinka I penal labour camp. It is possible to make an appointment for a more detailed visit to the Memorial and to book a guide for a longer period of time.

Visitors can pay tribute to the victims by laying flowers, stones or lighting candles (in places designated due to fire regulations).

The Treblinka Museum has no cloakroom and luggage storage. Please take this into account when planning your visit in the Museum.

Contact details for people ordering a tour of the Treblinka Museum:

in Polish:
phone number: + 48 25 781 16 58

in English:
phone number: + 48 25 781 16 58

How to get here?

Treblinka II Audioguide

Visiting Rules for Museum Treblinka

Section 1

General provisions

  1. These Rules and Regulations establish the principles for visiting the Treblinka Museum. The Nazi German Extermination and Forced Labour Camp (1941– 1944)
  2. Visiting the grounds of the former camps is not recommended for children under the age of 14.
  3. Admission to the Museum is free of charge.
  4. Visitors are charged with a fee in the amount of 7 Polish zlotys for using the parking, and toilets. The fee does not constitute a ticket for admission to the Museum and is not exempt. There is no charge on Mondays.
  5. The Museum is open to visitors from Monday to Sunday from 9:00 to 18:30.
  6. The Museum is closed on Easter and Christmas. The Museum reserves the right to close periodically during and around national holidays determined by the Director of the Museum.
  7. The visitors are obliged to leave the grounds of museum no later than 18:30.
  8. Detailed information on the Museum’s opening hours and opening hours of permanent expositions and temporary exhibitions are available at the Museum information point at the Museum or at the Museum website.
  9. The Museum does not run a cloakroom or a luggage room.
  10. The parking at the Museum is unguarded. The Museum does not bear the responsibility for the vehicles left on the grounds of the Museum.
  11. Organized groups and individual visitors can explore the grounds of the former camps independently or with a guide (personal or booked at the Museum). The service of the Museum guide must be booked prior to the visit by telephone or via e-mail. The cost of the guided tour for a group from 1 to 35 people in Polish language is 50 Polish zlotys (gross) per hour. The cost of the guided tour in English language is 80 Polish zlotys (gross) per hour. Hours are rounded out to full zlotys. Approximate visiting time is up to 3 hours. The fee for guiding visitors by a guide ordered from the Museum includes the fee for the use of parking and toilets.
  12. The Museum issues receipts and invoices.

Section 2

Order regulations

  1. While visiting the grounds of Treblinka Museum the visitors are requested to show appropriate dignity and respect. Visitors are obliged to wear clothes suitable for necropolis and memorial site.
  2. While visiting the Museum please obey the recommendations of the Museum staff.
  3. On the grounds of the Museum it is forbidden to litter and behave noisily.
  4. It is banned to consume ice cream.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to gather mushrooms at the woodlands belonging to the Museum.
  6. Touching the exhibits and leaning on the elements of exhibitions is forbidden.
  7. On the premises of the Treblinka Museum, it is forbidden to reshape the commemoration and the post-camp areas (e.g. maintenance works, renovation, changing the shape and form, etc.).
  8. The visitors are not allowed to bring animals at the grounds of the Museum (except for guide dogs).
  9. It is forbidden to leave advertising aids on the site of the Museum.
  10. Drinking alcohol, smoking and taking intoxicant and psychoactive substances is forbidden.
  11. Due to the fire regulations the visitors are allowed to light candles only in indicated places.
  12. Visitors can pay tribute to the victims of the camps by laying flowers and pebbles.
  13. Taking photographs and recording audiovisual works for personal use and non-commercial purposes is permitted. In other cases it is required to obtain a permission of the director of the Treblinka Museum and to pay a fee of 150 Polish zlotys (gross) for each commenced hour related to the preparation and provision of the collection for photographing or filming.
  14. Flying drones at the Museum requires prior permission of the director of the Museum and submission of relevant documents resulting from applicable law in this regard.
  15. The Museum premises are protected and monitored.
  16. The staff of the Museum, in particular the guards are, on the basis of the Act of August 22, 1997 on the protection of people and property, authorized to intervene, refuse to admit or ask visitors who are not complying with the provisions of the Rules and Regulations to leave the Museum.
  17. The visitors bear the responsibility for the damage caused on the grounds of the Museum.
  18. Guardians shall be held liable for damage caused by the children in their care.

        Section 3

   Final Provisions

  1. Rules and Regulations for visitors of the Treblinka Museum. The Nazi German Extermination and Forced Labour Camp (1941–1944) are available at the website of the Museum and at the information point at the Museum.
  2. Disobeying the given provisions of the Rules and Regulations by the visitors may serve as a reason for ask a visitor to leave the site of the Museum.
  3. The Museum reserves the right to modify given Rules and Regulations. Modified provisions will be available at the Museum website and the information point at the Museum.
  4. Comments, complaints and requests pertaining to the Museum’s operation and visitor and customer service may be submitted at the information point or by telephone: 606 985 414.

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