June 14, 2022, celebration of the National Remembrance Day for the Victims of the German Nazi Concentration Camps and Death Camps20230619134821

June 14, 2022, celebration of the National Remembrance Day for the Victims of the German Nazi Concentration Camps and Death Camps

19 June 2023
The National Day of Remembrance for Victims of German Concentration and Death Camps was established in 2006. For the third time, the participants of t...
Ceremony of consecration of the tombstone of 22 people of Roma nationality20230612131552

Ceremony of consecration of the tombstone of 22 people of Roma nationality

12 June 2023
On May 19, 2023 a solemn consecration of the tombstone at the cemetery in Prostyń took place. Last year on April 8, the remains of 22 people, Roma of ...
Visiting the Museum on May 1-3, 202320230427141430

Visiting the Museum on May 1-3, 2023

27 April 2023
We inform that on May 1st (Monday), May 2nd (Tuesday) and May 3rd (Wednesday) the Treblinka Museum is open to visitors. Visiting the post-camp grounds...
Halina Birenbaum visited the Treblinka Museum20230425154223

Halina Birenbaum visited the Treblinka Museum

25 April 2023
On April 20, 2023, the Treblinka Museum was visited by Mrs. Halina Birenbaum, a Holocaust survivor, Polish-Israeli writer, poet and translator. She wa...
Treblinka Museum opening hours on 08/04/2023 – 10/04/202320230403100746

Treblinka Museum opening hours on 08/04/2023 – 10/04/2023

3 April 2023
We would like to inform that on April 8, 2023 (Saturday) the Treblinka Museum will be open to visitors from 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.On  April 9 (Sunday)...
The Treblinka Museum would like to thank Mr. Nikos Kosmidis and prof. Susy Gruss20230317123612

The Treblinka Museum would like to thank Mr. Nikos Kosmidis and prof. Susy Gruss

17 March 2023
The Treblinka Museum would like to express special thanks to Mr. Nikos Kosmidis, PhD Candidate in Architecure (DUTH), MA in Theology, BA in European C...
Delegation of the Treblinka Museum in Greece20230308141325

Delegation of the Treblinka Museum in Greece

8 March 2023
The visit of the delegation of the Treblinka Museum to Greece, which was attended by the director of the Treblinka Museum, Edward Kopówka, and the gui...
Delegation of the Embassy of Canada to Poland visited the Treblinka Memorial Site20230228131340

Delegation of the Embassy of Canada to Poland visited the Treblinka Memorial Site

28 February 2023
On February 26, 2023, the Treblinka Museum was visited by the delegation of the Embassy of Canada to Poland, headed by Ambassador Catherine Godin. The...
The Museum closed on February 18, 202320230218085115

The Museum closed on February 18, 2023

18 February 2023
ATTENTION  On February 18 (Saturday) the Treblinka Museum is closed for the safety of the visitors. The area of the Museum includes a forest. Strong g...
More “Meritorious for the Treblinka Museum” medals were awarded20230214131601

More “Meritorious for the Treblinka Museum” medals were awarded

14 February 2023
During the meeting commemorating the 80th anniversary of the liquidation of the ghetto in Kosów Lacki, the following persons were awarded with the "Me...