The Korczak Forest


The idea of the Korczak Forest was created in 2020 on the initiative of the Treblinka Museum and the Polish Janusz Korczak Association. The employees of the Treblinka Museum – Monika Samuel, Bartosz Kowalski and Aleksandra Kowalska, under the substantive supervision of the director of the facility – Edward Kopówka, took care of the preparation of the preliminary project of the concept of the Forest. The aim of this concept is to commemorate Janusz Korczak, all his colleagues and pupils who died in the Treblinka II Extermination Camp.

As part of the planting of the Korczak Forest, the Treblinka Museum together with Janusz Korczak Association would like to make contact with schools and institutions for which the pedagogical approach of Janusz Korczak have a great meaning, and invite them to plant trees and organize annual meetings in order to symbolically water them. At each tree there will be a plaque with information about a facility and a motto or a selected quote referring to Korczak’s teachings, which will further emphasize the uniqueness of this place. During the visits, representatives of institutions will have the opportunity to visit the Treblinka Museum in the company of a museum guide and take part in a museum lesson related to the Korczak’s thought.

As part of the campaign “We Cherish Korczak’s Ideas” the planted trees are a proof that Korczak’s message is still alive and up-to-date. To this day, Korczak’s educational system is used by numerous schools and institutions, it inspires many educators, guardians and defenders of children’s rights. Preserving the trees will be a testimony not only of memory but also of gratitude of all those to whom the humanistic ideas of Janusz Korczak are close.

Regulations of the campaign “We Cherish Korczak’s Ideas”

as part of the project entitled THE KORCZAK FOREST

I. General rules

  1. These Regulations define the terms of the campaign “We Cherish Korczak’s Ideas” as part of the the Korczak Forest project.
  2. The organizers of the campaign “We Cherish Korczak’s Ideas” are: Treblinka Museum. The Nazi German Extermination and Forced Labour Camp (1941-1944) and The Polish Janusz Korczak Association, hereinafter called the Organizers.
  3. The aim of this project is to commemorate Janusz Korczak, all those who cooperated with him, and above all, the children who lost their lives in the Treblinka II Extermination Camp. Planted trees will be a testimony to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust and, at the same time, proof that the humanistic ideas and educational proposals of Janusz Korczak still inspire many educators, guardians and defenders of children’s rights. Planting trees and then caring for them is a form of involving the participants in actively creating their own paths of remembrance of important figures and significant historical events, it is also an incentive to protect the natural environment and care for nature.

II. Terms of campaign

  1. All entities, that would like to express their memory, can become participants of the campaign by planting trees and caring for them. The participation of young people from schools and institutions from Poland and abroad in the project is particularly valuable.
  2. Participation in the campaign is voluntary.
  3. The consent to plant a tree is given by the Organizers (each time): Treblinka Museum. The Nazi German Extermination and Forced Labour Camp (1941-1944) in agreement with The Polish Janusz Korczak Association.
  4. Participation in the campaign is payable and settled by an invoice. The total cost of joining the campaign “We Cherish Korczak’s Ideas” is PLN 350 net + VAT due. The price includes a tree seedling, an appropriate amount of gardening soil, a stake for stabilizing the seedling, an information plaque (model Appendix 1) with a display and a tree planting certificate.
  5. The condition for participation in the project is sending the Application Form (Annex 2) available on the website of the Organizers. The form should be sent to the following address:
  6. Each applicant entity may only plant one tree.
  7. Planting a tree in the Korczak Forest will take place on a date individually agreed with each entity joining the action, after meeting the formal and financial conditions.
  8. Planting will take place in spring and autumn in the presence of an employee of the Treblinka Museum.
  9. The date of planting a tree may change due to unfavorable weather conditions and other circumstances beyond the control of the Parties.
  10. On the day of a tree planting in the Korczak Forest, participants of the campaign will have the opportunity to take part in a guided tour and workshops about Janusz Korczak, led by an employee of the Treblinka Museum.
  11. The preparation of a tree seedling and the commemorative plaque is on the side of the Treblinka Museum. Each entity may place a graphic sign or a photo (min. 300 dpi) and selected text on the commemorative plaque (max. 200 characters with spaces). Materials should be sent along with the application form.
  12. As part of the cyclical nature of the campaign, once a year, the participating entities will have the opportunity, in the presence of an employee of the Treblinka Museum, to symbolically water the tree they planted and take part in a guided tour and workshops about Janusz Korczak.
  13. Certificates will be numbered and issued according to the order in which trees were planted.
  14. The Treblinka Museum commit themselves to maintain and possibly replace the seedling in case it withers.
  15. The Treblinka Museum. The Nazi German Extermination and Forced Labour Camp (1941-1944) is responsible for the preparation of the area for the campaign.

III. Organization and course of the project

  1. The campaign takes place in the Treblinka Museum area.
  2. Trees will be planted in accordance with the planting plan prepared by the Treblinka Museum on a date individually agreed with the interested entity.
  3. The Treblinka Museum provides the tools and materials needed to plant a tree.
  4. Due to soil conditions, participants of the campaign may only plant a tree provided by the Treblinka Museum.

IV. Information about the processing of personal data.

Personal data controller.

The data controller is Treblinka Museum. The Nazi German Extermination and Forced Labour Camp (1941-1944) with registered office in Wólka Okrąglik 115, 08-330 Kosów Lacki, TIN 8231663667, represented by the Director (hereafter referred to as the Treblinka Museum).

Data Protection Supervisor.

Data Protection Supervisor Elżbieta Żochowska was appointed at the Treblinka Museum with whom you can contact at the following address: Data Protection Supervisor, Wólka Okrąglik 115, 08-330 Kosów Lacki or at the telephone number: 516-540-147.

The purpose and basis of the processing.

Personal data will be processed for the purpose of commemoration of Janusz Korczak, all persons cooperated with him and his pupils who lost their lives in the Treblinka II Extermination Camp, which is necessary for the performance of public tasks, such as: conducting cultural activities (task specified in art. 9 of the Act of 25 October 1991 on the Organization and Pursuit of Cultural Activity) and diffussing of the fundamental values of the Polish and world history (task specified in art. 1 of the Act on museums of November 21, 1996).

The legal basis for data processing:

– processing is necessary to perform tasks carried out in the public interest  (art. 6 section 1 letter f of GDPR).

Data recipient.

We may share data with the following categories of entities: people interested in commemorating Janusz Korczak, other legally authorized entities, IT entity, lawyer, personal data protection supervisor, entities cooperating with the Museum (including the Co-Organizer), other legally authorized entities.

Transfers of personal data to third countries or international organisations.

The Museum does not transfer data outside the European Economic Area.

Data retention period.

Personal data will be stored until an objection to data processing is raised .

Your rights:

  1. the right of access to personal data and receiving copies,
  2. the right to request rectification and to have your personal data completed,
  3. the right to request erasure of your personal data “right to be forgotten”,
  4. the right to restrict the processing of personal data,
  5. the right to object to processing of your personal data,
  6. the right to data portability,
  7. the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (the President of the Polish Data Protection Office).
  8. the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data, if personal data are processed on the basis of your consent – however, this does not apply to data processed before its withdrawal.

Information on the requirement/voluntary provision of data (applies to situations where we have collected data from you) and information about the data source and their categories (applies to situations where we have collected data from other sources).

The data provided and the data collected by the Museum (e.g. image) are necessary for the performance of public tasks assigned to the Museum.

Automated decision-making.

Personal data does not subject to automated decision making, including profiling.

V. Final provisions

  1. The rules of the campaign “We Cherish Korczak’s Ideas” as part of the Korczak Forest project are available on the website of the Treblinka Museum.
  2. The Treblinka Museum reserves the right to make any changes to the Regulations of the campaign. The organizers will inform about the changes on their websites.
  3. Any doubts arising during the validity of the campaign Regulations shall be settled by the Organizers.
  4. The Treblinka Museum reserves the right to change the date of the campaign “We Cherish Korczak’s Ideas” as part of the KORCZAK FOREST project.
  5. The organizers do not cover travel costs and other costs related to participation in the campaign “We Cherish Korczak’s Ideas” as part of the KORCZAK FOREST project.
  6. Each entity that join the campaign “We Cherish Korczak’s Ideas” as part of the project KORCZAK FOREST, accepts the terms of these Regulations.
  7. Participants agree that the Organizers use the data indicated in the application form for information purposes.
  8. In matters not covered by these terms and conditions the provisions of applicable law shall apply.
  9. Any questions and remarks can be sent to the e-mail address