Informtion about closing the exhibition to visitors20201102171321

Informtion about closing the exhibition to visitors

2 November 2020
Please be advised that from November 3, 2020 to November 15, 2020, the exhibition at the Treblinka Museum is closed to visitors....
Information on November 1, 202020201028153756

Information on November 1, 2020

28 October 2020
InformationTreblinka Museum. The Nazi German Extermination and Forced Labour Camp (1941-1944)on 1st of November will be closed....
Guidelines for Visiting the Treblinka Museum during the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.20201020120443

Guidelines for Visiting the Treblinka Museum during the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

20 October 2020
Due to the declaration of the entire territory of Poland as a red zone, from the October 24th  2020 visiting to the Treblinka Museum can take place as...

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July 30 – ceremonial unveiling of the monument commemorating the Roma and Sinti murdered in Treblinka20200730130056

July 30 – ceremonial unveiling of the monument commemorating the Roma and Sinti murdered in Treblinka

30 July 2020
On July 30, 2014, on the initiative of the Polish Roma Association, the ceremonial unveiling of the monument commemorating the Roma and Sinti murdered...


16 July 2020
Guided tours are available againWe are glad to inform that as of 16th of July 2020, we are restoring the possibility of visiting Treblinka Museum with...

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“Penal Labour Camp Treblinka I – to see the invisible” – online exhibition20200525111717

“Penal Labour Camp Treblinka I – to see the invisible” – online exhibition

25 May 2020
The former camp grounds, which the Treblinka Museum takes care of, are again available to visitors. We are aware that due to the current situation, no...
Information on the opening of the Treblinka Museum for visitors20200505191659

Information on the opening of the Treblinka Museum for visitors

5 May 2020
Dear Guests,As part of the first stage of re-opening cultural institutions in the state of epidemic COVID-19, we would like to inform you that from We...
Narrow-gauge railway rail – a new artefact presented at the Treblinka Museum20200326144708

Narrow-gauge railway rail – a new artefact presented at the Treblinka Museum

26 March 2020
This rail was discovered by scientists from the Warsaw University of Technology during archaeological works near the gravel pit in 2016. Signature OП3...
The Righteous from the Treblinka area – Helena Szmurło20200324173139

The Righteous from the Treblinka area – Helena Szmurło

24 March 2020
Helena Szmurło (1892 - 1967) lived with her numerous family in the village of Płosodrza, 8 km east of Mordy. In the early 1930s, Moshe Smolarz made fr...
March 24 – The Polish National Day for Remembrance of Poles Rescuing Jews under German Occupation20200324102519

March 24 – The Polish National Day for Remembrance of Poles Rescuing Jews under German Occupation

24 March 2020
Unfortunately, World War II was not limited to actions on the fronts. In the occupied territories, the Germans introduced unbelievable terror against ...