I session of the Museum Council of the Treblinka Museum. The Nazi German Extermination and Forced Labour Camp (1941-1944)

On October 29, 2019 at the premises of Treblinka Museum in Wólka Okrąglik took place an inaugural session of Museum Council of the Treblinka Museum. The Nazi German Extermination and Forced Labour Camp (1941-1944) appointed by The Management Board of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship for the 2019-2023 term of office. The Museum Council is an consultative body, which supervises the fulfillment of the museum’s duties to collections and the public, evaluates the annual reports on the activities of the Museum submitted by the Director and gives opinions about annual activity plans presented by the Director of Museum.

Members of the Museum Council:

  1. dr hab. Zofia Chyra Rolicz

Polish historian, professor of the humanities, cooperative activist and publicist. Author of numerous books, scientific and popular science articles in Polish and English language, for example: “Żydzi na Podlasiu”, collective work, edited by Zofia Chyra-Rolicz, Renata Tarasiuk and Edward Kopówka (2010). Member of Polish national historical committee and Advisory Board of  National Cooperative Council. Vice president of  Society of Cooperators. Currently an university teacher at Department of History and International Relations at Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities.

  1. Magdalena Sałata

Local governor. Assistant director of the Department of Organization – Director of Delegation in Siedlce of The Management Board of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship.

  1. Artur Ziontek

Literature historian, editor, regionalist, author of over 250 scientific and popular science publications (author, editor, scientific editor of 26 books) concerning Polish literature, culture and history of Podlasie. Member of Siedlce Scientific Society (board member from 2008 to 2012) and Polish Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies.

  1. Barbara Janina Sochal

Teacher, educator in the field of education management, author of many publications relating to child rearing and children’s rights, producer of projects for children, youth and teachers concerning cultural and intercultural education and education through art. Longtime employee of Ministry of National Education, where she was dealing with subjects such as: cultural education, after-school education, human – children rights as well as cooperation between youth from Poland and Israel.

President of The Polish Janusz Korczak Association since 2011 to date. Vice-president of  International Janusz Korczak Association (IKA) and International Federation of Children’s Friends. Chairperson of the jury of Janusz Korczak Warsaw Educational Reward. Actively working in social movement – Citizens for Education, where she acts as an expert.

  1. Roman Chojnacki

Social activist, Head of the Polish Roma Union based in Szczecinek. Initiator and producer of projects aiming to improve the situation of Roma minority in Poland. Chief editor of magazine dedicated to Roma minority – Romano Atmo. Member of The Joint Committee of the Government and National and Ethnic Minorities representing Roma minority in Poland. Awarded with  Silver Cross of Merit for activity relating to preservation and development of cultural identity of national and ethnic minorities.

  1. Jarosław Sellin

Secretary of State (Deputy Minister) at Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, politician and journalist. Deputy of the Polish Parliament (Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth term of office). Government Representative for celebrations of 100th anniversary of Poland regaining independence.

  1. Albert Stankowski

Historian, researcher of Jewish history. Co-creator of Museum of History of Polish Jews POLIN. Initiator and creator of website Virtual Shtetl. Director of the Warsaw Ghetto Museum since 2018. Awarded with Golden Star by  National Council for International Visitors and Decoration of Honor Meritorious for Polish Culture by Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland.

  1. Elżbieta Lanc

Politician, teacher and local governor. Specialist in education management, auditing and external supervision and management of an EU co-financed projects. Vice-voevoda of Mazowieckie Voivodeship in the years 2001-2003, member of The Management Board of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship since 2014 in charge of health, education, sport and social policy matters.

During the first session of Museum Council of Treblinka Museum members adopted the regulations and elected the chairperson and vice-chairperson of the Museum Council. Elżbieta Lanc was elected as a chairperson and prof. dr hab. Zofia Chyra Rolicz as a vice-chairperson of the Council. Members of the Museum Council positively evaluated Museum’s activities in year 2018 and gave a positive opinion on Museum’s activity plans for 2019. During the meeting a resolution was adopted nominating Gideon Nissebaum as a ninth member of the Museum Council of the Treblinka Museum.

During the session Director of the Museum Treblinka informed members of the Council about current Museum’s situation and activities. Topics such as, plans regarding the construction of the new exhibition facility were discussed, the members of the Council also got acquainted with the area designated for the future construction. After the discussion concerning the activities of the Museum and a complete review of the agenda the session was closed.


21 November 2019